Wednesday, April 22, 2020

you'd have to go through a ton of additional headaches

  Regardless whether you're just starting out or if you already have some experience with email marketing, having to pay a $228/year STARTING FEE for an autoresponder (with huge limitations!) all while you're learning the system and how to market is just plain CRAZY!  In fact, even if you do have that kind of money, you probably don't have the confidence to sign up for such a big monthly fee at the outset!  Besides, you've probably heard horror stories yourself, from autoresponders whose servers go down without any notice, or they just don't deliver emails, or all of your emails are going to the SPAM folder!'d have to go through a ton of additional headaches such as losing subscribers due to "unknown errors" or paying for the service every single month even if your subscriber count is 0!    And simply because it's proven that traffic from emails converts 2-5 times better than traditional "cold" traffic!  Yet - you feel paralyzed to take the plunge due to the high monthly recurring fees that most autoresponders charge, all while they provide a crappy service in return!  Or, you've already started email marketing, but you aren't making as much money as you want to justify paying so MUCH every month; because you can't directly import your list and you suffer from a low delivery rate! Just Imagine This...  A new, lightweight piece of technology that's so incredibly sophisticated yet intuitive & easy to use that allows you to benefit from the absolute best features with zero monthly fees...  ...That's exactly what we've designed ProfitMail to do for you so if you value your business, want to increase your bottom line and dominate your competition.  With ProfitMail you get better delivery rates, you get to email your WHOLE list and you are 100% sure there are no downtimes - and it's all for a one-time, low fee! ProfitMail Is Completely Done-For-You And Allows You To Take Control Of Your Email Marketing Instantly!      No need to spend hundreds per month for an expensive system that barely works!     No need to constantly double-check if the servers are down every time you want to send an email!     No need to waste hours trying to integrate with different services just to save your subscribers from getting lost (hint: we allow DIRECT importing of leads!)     No need to keep struggling with opt-in and double opt-in requirements that prevent you from building your list!     No need to stress out over all the issues that come with a traditional autoresponder, including low delivery rates and triggering SPAM filters! ProfitMail COUPON CODE

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